Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tropical Trouble

92L to Florida?

Could be the future Fay


Models want to track the storm close to the Florida East Coast.


While it may not be a hurricane some type of system appears headed in the general direction of the Florida East Coast. It should be an interesting next few days.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

American Terrorist Shawn Roderick

Here is the name and the picture of the American Terrorist that the Sentinel refused to print. They claim his age is the reason they will not disclose his name and that is the Sentinels policy. This is my blog and I have no policy. I freely and willingly post the little thugs name, picture, and link to the arrest report. Judge for yourself.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Meet Reginald Peterson


Mr Peterson was arrested on a charge of making false 911 calls. The employees at the local Jacksonville Subway did not properly sauce his $5 foot long which caused Mr. Peterson to make the following call to 911. Mr. Peterson was subsequently arrested for placing a false 911 call.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Let's get it started

Hello this is David. Like millions of others I have decided to jump into the Blogosphere. I have thought about coming to the Blogosphere before and even went as far to create a page but never had the motivation to keep it up. This time I expect it to be different.

My main goal of this blog is to see what I can make of it. In other words I need a hobby. Most subjects will be trivial but nothing will be off limits. Even as I approach age 29 my dream is not to sell timeshares as I currently do. My dream job is in journalism. I wants this blog not only to keep me busy but I want it to become so popular I one day will obtain my dream occupation.

Sit back and enjoy the ride. Today is my first post of what I hope to be many more.
